Friday, August 19, 2016

moving and the Olympics

It occurred to me, this morning, that this is the longest I have been gone from North Carolina in twenty years.

First of all, it bothers me that I can say anything was twenty years ago because in my mind I am still 27 (which probably explains some of the dumb things I still think I can do, but that's another post).

This thought came to me because later this week, I will be driving back to North Carolina to prepare my house for tenants. The thought went exactly like this: wow, the last time I was away from NC for this long was when I was in Africa.

I spent most of the summer of 1996 in Swaziland in Southern Africa. 20 years later, I have fond and vivid memories of my time there and I would love to be able to return some day. One of my best (and most surreal) memories is of watching the 1996 Summer Olympics in Swaziland. We were 6 time zones ahead of Atlanta, Georgia, where the games were held. Ironically, Atlanta was only 5 hours from my home in NC, and I was half a world away in Africa.

The 1984 Summer Olympics were held in Los Angeles, and as a 9 year-old child, I was living in Marin County, California. My parents took me to see the Olympic torch as it was run through a nearby town, and I watched Mary Lou Retton and her team earn several medals. This was a HUGE deal since I, too, was a gymnast. My sights were instantly set on Barcelona 1992 when I would be the 16 year-old gymnast achieving the same feats.

Of course, less than a year later I would find myself uprooted from my home state and taken to North Carolina (which I hated for the next 4+ years) where there was no gymnastics facility nearby.

It's funny how life comes full circle, and once again I have been uprooted from a home state that I love, and I'm watching the Olympics in what feels, at times, like a foreign land. Side note that during all 3 of those pivotal games, USA women did very well in gymnastics.


Wow, it's been two weeks since my last complaint post.

I'm no longer counting days.

I am making progress.

Good things that have happened in the past 2 weeks:

  • non-stop Olympics watching
  • birthday getaway to Disney World with hubby scheduled for next month
  • found a renter for my other house
  • got certified for work as a substitute teacher
  • I have run or done an exercise video 3x/week
This, despite a week of rain.
Despite a rough start to school for 2/3 of my boys.
Despite being frustrated at lack of money.

Making progress, y'all. One day at a time.

Friday, August 5, 2016

More fight, less flight

I live here now. No matter how bad or hard it seems, I live here now and leaving isn't going to fix my kids' problems (or mine).

More fight, less flight.

Still fighting the good fight for my kids' class schedules. I am probably now known as "that parent" but I will stay and fight until I get the right classes for them. 

I need them to learn that some things are worth fighting for. And by them, I of course also mean me.

22 days down. 654 to go.

Update: we're good on 15/16 total classes. Sometime you have to lose a battle to win the war. We're going to win this!

25 days down. 651 to go.

Monday, August 1, 2016

If I want to

At the bottom of each post, I have a countdown. x days down, z days to go. It started as a pep talk to myself (congrats on enduring 2 weeks in your first-world prison!) as well as a consolation (it's not a life sentence; I don't have to stay here forever.) Even if I hate this place and all the struggles I'm having now, I will be free to move in just under 2 years, if I want to.

If I want to.