Wednesday, March 1, 2017

come on baby, finish what you started

So during my Mardi Gras road trip, I intended to finish a scarf that I had started last fall. I grabbed the project bag with all the yarns, needles, and scarf-in-progress and knew that I could get it done in the car, and I probably could have... if I had the pattern instructions.

It's a chevron pattern that is easily memorized, but not so easily discerned by looking at it, due to increases and decreases.

I remembered that the original pattern featured red & blue yarns, so I went to ravelry and filtered scarf patterns by craft (knitting), yarn (worsted), and availability (free). This took me to just under 2000 patterns which I started to scan for red & blue colors. All to no avail. So now what? How do I finish a scarf without a pattern? I have cut and pieced several yarns, so I can't very well undo it.

When I got home from my trip, I tracked down the pattern on my computer and saved the instructions. Still, it's mentally hard to knit a scarf in the springtime so I've set this one aside, again.

Here is the pattern link, in case I need it next fall ;-)

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